2022 International Conference on Digital Finance, Technological Innovation and Economic Development Convened Fruitfully

2023-01-03 14:40:34 2023-01-03

December 9 to 10 witnessed the 2022 International Conference on Digital Finance, Technological Innovation and Economic development, jointly sponsored by Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association (APAEA), and Changsha University of Science and Technology (CSUST), hosted by Economic Management School of CSUST. Special eminent overseas and domestic scholars were invited to deliver their reports at this conference such as Prof. Paresh Kumar Narayan, the president of APAEA, from Commercial School of Monash University, Prof. Gazi Salah Uddin, from Swedish University, Prof. James Tsun-Se Cheong, the editor-in-chief of Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, from Hang Seng University. Among 500 or so online and off-line attendees were experts from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shih Chien University, Chang’an University, East China Normal University, Hunan University, Nanjing Audit University and professors and students from CSUST.

Prof. Cao Yijia, the president of CSUST, delivered an opening speech for the conference, briefing CSUST history, accommodation to national strategy and local economic development, shedding light on the trend that digital economy has been rendered a new drive for Chinese Economic growth under the background of new global scientific revolution. CSUST established the undergraduate major of digital economy in response to the national development strategy. The success of this academic conference, is bound to upgrade the scientific expertise of CSUST in the field of digital economy and enhance the talent quality in this field accordingly.  

What came initially on December 9 at this conference was the International Conference Herald Tribune on Digital Finance, Technological Innovation and Economic Development, and the Tribune of International Youth Scholar, which were hosted by Doctor Fu Qiang. Deputy Director Peng Xinyu delivered a salutatory oration for the tribunes. Prof. Hideaki Uchida from Mie University was invited to deliver a keynote report entitled Contribution to Innovation Made by Economic Growth and Public Knowledge. Coupled with these 2 tribunes, 14 parallel tribunes were set where over 40 young scholars discussed robustly involving green finance, digital economy, technological innovation, sustainable development and low-carbon behavior.

The International Conference on Digital Finance, Technological Innovation and Economic Development arrived formally on December 10, whose opening ceremony and keynote speech were made by Prof. Tang Wenjin from CSUST, and Prof. Zhang Cunbing from Shih Chien University respectively. Prof. Peng Yuxin, Deputy Director of Economic Management School of CSUST, introduced the status quo of applied economics development in CSUST Economic Management School. He stressed that this conference was an implementation of the essential resolution made by the 20th CPC National Congress that China should expedite the Digital China development to boost the quality development with digital economy. The academic conference will definitely lead to the promotion of scientific expertise of CSUST in the field of digital economy and play a fundamental role in applied economics development of CSUST, and in talent quality training in the field of finance and digital economy. Prof. Gazi Salah Uddin, Prof. James Tsun-Se Cheong, Prof. Paresh Kumar Narayan were invited to deliver their keynote reports on Social Benefits of Clean Energy, Economic Growth and Developing Nation Equality, Repercussions of Covid-19 on Stock Market respectively. Together with this conference, six parallel tribunes were established where participants made comprehensive and profound exchanges regarding topics such as social estrangement, algorithmic management, blockchain bubble and energy price.

The conference concluded on December10 fruitfully, drawing over 100 participants who met via cloud Tencent Conference, and over 500 online and off-line attendees who were present at the academic reports or sub-tribunes.
