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发布日期:2024年01月10日 来源: 作者:











1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,城市三维形态影响下的人群高温暴露风险评估与调控研究,主持,在研。

2. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,高层高密集城市形态对地表温度影响的时空驱动机制研究,主持,已完成。

3. 湖南省教育厅科学研究优秀青年项目,城市人群高温热浪暴露风险空间识别及优化应对研究,主持,在研。

4. 湖南省教育厅科学研究一般项目,高层高密集城市地表温度时空变化驱动机制研究,主持,已完成。

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,顾及地理要素特征的城市空气污染时空建模研究,主要参与,已完成。

6. 湖南省科技计划项目,长株潭城市群人口空气污染暴露风险评估与预警研究,主要参与,已完成。


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[2]       Peng, F., Wong, M.S.*, Ho, H. C., Nichol, J. Reconstruction of historical datasets for analyzing spatiotemporal influence of built environment on urban microclimates across a compact city[J]. Building and Environment, 2017, 123: 649-660.

[3]      Peng, F., Wong, M. S.*, Wan, Y. L. Modeling of urban wind ventilation using high resolution airborne LiDAR data[J]. Computers, Environment and urban systems, 2017, 64: 81-90.

[4]      Peng, F., Wong, M. S.*, Nichol, J. E., Chan, P. W. Historical GIS Data and Changes in Urban Morphological Parameters for the Analysis of Urban Heat Islands in Hong Kong[C]. ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2016, 55-62

[5] Wong, M. S., Peng, F., Zou, B.*, Shi, W. Z., Wilson, J.G. Spatially analyzing the inequity of the Hong Kong urban heat island by socio-demographic characteristics[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2016, 13(3): 317. doi:10.3390/ijerph13030317.

[6]      Zou, B.*, Peng, F., Wan, N., Mamady, K., Wilson, J.G. Spatial cluster detection of air pollution exposure inequites across the United States[J]. Plos One, 2014, 9(3): e91917. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091917.

[7]      Zou, B.*, Peng, F., Wan, N., Wilson, J.G. Sulfur dioxide exposure and environmental justice: A Multi-Scale and Sources-Specific Perspective[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2014, 5(3): 491-499.

[8]      彭芬,邹滨,邱永红. 空气污染暴露公正异质性特征的空间自相关分析[J]. 测绘科学, 2014, 39(5): 104-108.

[9]      邹滨,彭芬. 空气污染暴露公正评估方法研究进展[J].上海环境科学, 2014, 33(1): 11-16.

[10]      邹滨,彭芬,曾永年,焦利民,翁敏. 高分辨率人口空气污染暴露 GIS 空间区划研究[J]. 武大学报信息科学版, 2013, 38(3): 334-338.

[11]      Peng, L., Liu, J.P., Wang, Y., Chan, P.W., Lee, T.C., Peng, F., Wong, M.S., Li, Y.G.* Wind weakening in a dense high-rise city due to over nearly five decades of urbanization[J]. Building and Environment, 2018, 138: 207-220.

[12]      Xiong, Y., Peng, F., Zou, B.*, 2019. Spatiotemporal influences of land use/cover changes on the heat island effect in rapid urbanization area[J]. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2019, 13: 614–627.

[13] Dong, X.Y., Zhao, X.G.*, Peng, F.*, Wang, D.L. Population based Air Pollution Exposure and its influence factors by Integrating Air Dispersion Modeling with GIS Spatial Analysis[J]. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 479.

[14]      Zou, B.*, Li, S.X., Lin, Y., Wang, B.B., Cao, S.Z., Zhao, X.G., Peng, F., Qin, N., Guo, Q., Feng, H.H., Matthewf, C. J., Xu, S.Q., Duan, X. L.* Efforts in reducing air pollution exposure risk in China: State versus individuals[J]. Environment International, 2020, 137: 105504.

[15] Xiong, L., Li, S., Zou, B., Peng, F., Fang, Xin, Xue, Y. Long Time-Series Urban Heat Island Monitoring and Driving Factors Analysis Using Remote Sensing and Geodetector[J]. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, 9:828230. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.828230


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