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曾帆 博士



曾帆,男,专任教师,2018年毕业于湖南大学物理与微电子科学学院,获学士学位;2024年毕业于湖南大学材料科学与工程学院,获博士学位。近5年以第一作者在Journal of Materials Chemistry A,Chemical Engineering Journal,Journal of Energy Storage,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,炭素等期刊共发表期刊5篇,有两项授权专利。   






1. Zeng Fan, Song Xianyin, Liang Jing, et al. Multi-electron/ion conduction channels enabling high-performance flexible supercapacitors[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10(47): 25148-25158. (SCI 1 区 IF=11.9,被引 6 次)

2. Wu Xueli1, Zeng Fan1, Song Xianyin, et al. In-situ growth of Ni (OH) 2 nanoplates on highly oxidized graphene for all-solid-state flexible supercapacitors[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 456: 140947. (SCI 1 区 IF=15.1,共同一作,被引 7 次)

3. Hu Leihang1, Zeng Fan1, Song Xianyin, et al. Hydrogen Peroxide-Assisted Synthesis of Nitrogen/Sulfur Co-Doped Activated Carbon for High-Performance All-Printed Flexible Supercapacitor[J]. Journal of Energy Storage 73 (2023) 109004 (SCI 1 区 IF=9.4,共同一作)

4. Zeng Fan, Huang Weiqing, Xiao Jianhua, et al. Isotype heterojunction g-C3N4/g-C3N4 nanosheets as 2D support to highly dispersed 0D metal oxide nanoparticles: generalized self-assembly and its high photocatalytic activity[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 52(2): 025501. (SCI 2 区 IF=3.4, 被引 60 次高被引论文)

5. Zeng Fan, Huang Tao, Li Bo, et al. Novel urchin-like CoNiP as advanced pH-universal electrocatalysts toward hydrogen evolution reaction[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54(36): 365502. (SCI 2 区 IF=3.4, 被引 4 次)

6. 曾帆,宋先印,张新刚,梁静,吴伟,蒋昌忠. 碳材料复合金属氧化物在柔性超级电容器的研究进展. 炭素

7. 曾帆,宋先印. 三维多孔生物质碳/金属氧化物复合材料的制备及其柔性储能性能研究. 材料大会论文集

获得专利情况: (2项专利已被授权)

1.蒋昌忠,曾帆第一发明人为导师),宋先印多孔碳纤维/金属氧化物复合材料及石墨烯基导电油墨的制备方法和在超级电容器中的应用          (已授权)

2.蒋昌忠吴学立宋先印曾帆张新刚 一种Ni(OH)2/石墨烯复合材料的制备方法和超级电容器的制备方法                          (已授权)




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